Do you offer job placement assistance?
At the Tesla Training Center (TTC), we take pride in helping our graduates find employment in their areas of specialization. To do this, we build relationships with area employers and match students from
construction trade and allied health programs to their specific job openings.
Below are just a few of the ways we help employers find the right match:
Resume Bank
All graduates are encouraged to maintain resumes with TTC. We match qualifications according to an employer’s specifications and are happy to mail, fax or email resumes to employers upon request.
Job Posting Boards/Binders
We have a job posting and information board where we post employers’ job information. Students and graduates read this board daily. We also keep binders of job information for students and graduates to check out.
Job Fairs
TTC is planning on hosting an annual job fair at the Center for employers to attend and network with students and graduates.
Company Time
TTC will organize student visits to employers so they can see what their working futures possibly will look like.
On-Site Recruitment
We will arrange for employers to test and interview groups of graduates or students on our campus.
Guest Speakers
We encourage interested industry professionals to visit to our Center and speak to students about industry topics. Our students eagerly listen to advice and information from within their chosen industries, and guest speakers provide an invaluable learning opportunity for our students.
Advisory Board
We invite all industry professionals to attend the semi-annual dinners of our advisory board, during which TTC’s directors solicit input concerning trends in technology, management, training, and competitiveness in American business and industry.
Tesla Training Center, Inc., is approved by the division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE)
To register a complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education you can contact them at the following address:
Illinois Board of Higher Education
1 North Old State Capitol Plaza,
Suite 333
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1377